Available Graduate Positions in Oceanography (MS/PhD) for Fall 2022

The Fall 2022 edition of the “database” of [available graduate positions in Oceanography](https://www.carlosmoffat.com/2020/07/25/a-database-of-graduate-student-opportunities-in-oceanography-fall-2021/) is now [up](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lNarus2zbsYkkQFCrWPS-U2L1Ey4hL2WuBnSp72L1P0/edit#gid=1076480778). If you are looking to recruit a new student please enter your information [here](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfjh8EWw8tjLru3QP9BJInqP71iRX0vYtUzdJWUHFCwyEyLuA/viewform).

I’m always happy to hear if you found this resource useful, either to recruit or to find a position. Feel free to [drop me a note](https://www.carlosmoffat.com/contact/).

A database of graduate student opportunities in Oceanography (Fall 2021)

[Inspired](https://twitter.com/PlanetDr/status/1280180632220512256) by Sarah Hörst at John Hopkins University, I’ve created a google form to collect the information of people interested in recruiting MS/PhD students in the Fall 2021. It’s a bit of an experiment, but after a few days of the form being up it sounds like it might be a useful resource to match prospective students to a good advisor. If you’re interested in putting your information in, head to the [Google Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfjh8EWw8tjLru3QP9BJInqP71iRX0vYtUzdJWUHFCwyEyLuA/viewform). And if you’re a prospective student looking to join us and do some great ocean research, the link to the google sheet with the positions is [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lNarus2zbsYkkQFCrWPS-U2L1Ey4hL2WuBnSp72L1P0/edit#gid=1076480778).

Let me know if you find this helpful.

Positions Available: Masters and Ph.D. Students – Physical Oceanography (Fall 2021)

**Update:** These positions are now filled. Thank you for your interest.

Positions are available in my research group for students interested in pursuing a Masters or Ph.D. degree in Physical Ocean Science & Engineering at the University of Delaware (for details on the degrees offered at UD, visit [the program’s page](https://www.udel.edu/academics/colleges/ceoe/departments/smsp/degree/pose-degrees/ “POSE Degree Programs”)).

Masters and Ph.D. research projects are available for Antarctic research. The overarching goal of this work is to understand how the increasing meltwater from the Antarctic continent impacts the surrounding coastal ocean. Specific topics include analysis of observations from Antarctic shelves to understand the structure and dynamics of coastal-trapped currents formed by meltwater, modeling water transformation processes in the west Antarctic Peninsula shelf. Opportunities for fieldwork in Antarctica are available.

To learn more about the work, visit our [research page](http://www.carlosmoffat.com/research/). I strongly recommend that you review the [page for prospective students](https://www.carlosmoffat.com/prospective-students/). The deadline for [applications](https://www.ceoe.udel.edu/academics/for-prospective-graduate-students/admissions) is January 5, 2021.

Positions Available: Masters and Ph.D. Students

Update: these positions have already been filled. Thanks!

Positions are available in my research group for students interested in pursuing a Masters or Ph.D. degree in Oceanography or Marine Sciences at the University of Delaware (for details on the degrees offered at UD, visit [CEOE’s page](https://www.ceoe.udel.edu/academics/for-prospective-graduate-students/degrees-courses-offered “Degrees and Courses Offered”)). Currently available projects include:

– In the area of **glacier-ocean interactions**, exploring the role of the shelf circulation on the heat transport and glacier retreat along in the **west Antarctic Peninsula** using regional models and historical observations; in **Patagonia**, understanding the impact of oceanic intrusions to the fjord system in the retreat of glaciers of the Patagonian Ice Fields using field observations.

– In the area of **river outflow dynamics**, understanding how wind forcing impacts the transport and mixing of buoyant plumes, using both idealized numerical models and field observations from the Delaware Bay area.

To learn more about the work we do, visit our research page. If you have any questions about the positions, feel free to contact me for more information at cmoffat at udel.edu. The deadline for [applications](https://www.ceoe.udel.edu/academics/for-prospective-graduate-students/admissions) is Feb 1, 2017.

Position Available: Postdoctoral Researcher (Glacier-Ocean Interactions)

**Update**: this position has now been filled. Thanks for your interest!

A postdoctoral researcher position is available at the [School of Marine Science and Policy](http://www.ceoe.udel.edu/schools-departments/school-of-marine-science-and-policy), University of Delaware. The postdoctoral researcher will undertake an investigation of the role that the ocean plays in glacier retreat along the west Antarctic Peninsula shelf. The focus is on understanding heat transport processes across the shelf and their impact on ice melt, using a combination of historical data and the output of newly-developed high-resolution models of the shelf and adjacent glacier fjords. The project is part of a collaborative effort with scientists at [University of Oregon](http://pages.uoregon.edu/dsuth/), [Old Dominion University](http://www.ccpo.odu.edu), and [University of South Florida](http://www.marine.usf.edu/faculty/eugene-domack/73-eugene-domack). Applicants must have a PhD in physical oceanography, glaciology, or a closely related discipline, as well as experience in observations and/or model output analysis, and strong quantitative and writing skills. Expertise in polar systems is preferred.

The position is available for a year, with renewal for one year contingent upon performance and funding. The School of Marine Science and Policy at UD hosts a lively community of ocean science researchers at both the Newark and Lewes campuses. The postdoctoral researcher will have the opportunity to interact with scientists in both places, with the position based at the Newark campus.

Candidates should submit a cover letter, statement of research, CV, and graduate transcript (unofficial transcripts accepted) through the [University of Delaware Jobs website](http://www.udel.edu/udjobs/) (ID# 103796). In addition, applicants must request that three confidential letters of recommendation be sent electronically to Dr. Carlos Moffat at cmoffat@udel.edu. Applicants should indicate in their cover letter the date by which they anticipate having their doctoral degree conferred. Additional information is available at [www.carlosmoffat.com](http://www.carlosmoffat.com) or by contacting Prof. Carlos Moffat. Priority will be given to applications received by September 15, 2016. The position is available starting as soon as Winter 2017.

The University of Delaware is an Equal Opportunity Employer which encourages applications from Minority Group Members, Women, Individuals with Disabilities and Veterans. The University’s Notice of Non-Discrimination can be found at: [http://www.udel.edu/aboutus/legalnotices.html](http://www.udel.edu/aboutus/legalnotices.html)

Glacier-Ocean Interactions at the 2014 Fall AGU Meeting

Despite AGU’s [clever incentives](https://www.magnetmail.net/actions/email_web_version.cfm?recipient_id=1021840414&message_id=5598263&user_id=AGU_&group_id=1048659&jobid=20585563), you might not have [submitted your abstract](https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm14/webprogrampreliminary/start.html) to the Fall Meeting yet. If so, and if you have a great piece of research on glacier-ocean interactions to share, consider submitting it to the session I’m co-convening with [Dave Sutherland](http://pages.uoregon.edu/dsuth/ “Dave Sutherland’s Home Page”), [Twila Moon](http://www.twilamoon.com/ “Twila A. Moon”) and [Jason Amundson](http://uashome.alaska.edu/~jmamundson/ “Jason M. Amundson”):

[C040: Understanding ice loss in coupled glacier-ocean systems through observations, modeling, and theory:](https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm14/webprogrampreliminary/Session2221.html)

> Mass loss via glaciers and ice shelves is a significant contributor to global sea level rise, yet the mechanisms controlling the ice response to ocean forcing are not well constrained. This session focuses on contemporary variability in the coupled glacier-ocean system, including tidewater glaciers, ice sheets, and ice shelves. We seek to explore the patterns and drivers of recent and current glacier and ice shelf variability, with emphasis on understanding the behavior and influence of the connected ocean. We invite contributions that cover a range of topics, including glacier dynamics in response to ocean forcing, pro-glacial fjord circulation, under ice-shelf circulation, ice mélange and glacier interaction, and broad scale ice-ocean behavior.

We have a great lineup of invited speakers:

– [Timothy C Bartholomaus](http://www2.gi.alaska.edu/~tbartholomaus/ “Timothy Bartholomaus – UAF Glaciology”) (University of Texas at Austin)
– [Ian R Joughin](http://www.apl.washington.edu/people/profile.php?last=Joughin&first=Ian “APL-UW Website – Profile – Ian Joughin”) (Applied Physics Lab – UW)
– [Tavi Murray](http://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/science/geography/t.murray/ “Professor Tavi Murray”) (Swansea University)
– [Fiamma Straneo](http://www.whoi.edu/website/straneo/home “Welcome to the Straneo Research Group : Straneo Research Group”) (WHOI)

Please join us in San Francisco!

A session on Ice-Ocean-Seabed Interactions in Fjords (Fall AGU)

I’ve been working together with [Martin Truffer](http://www2.gi.alaska.edu/~truffer/) and [Tim Bartholomaus](http://www2.gi.alaska.edu/~tbartholomaus/) (both from University of Alaska Fairbanks) and [Katie Boldt](http://www.katieboldt.com/) (University of Washington) to organize a session on “Ice-Ocean-Seabed Interactions in Fjords” for the Fall AGU meeting. We’ve been very fortunate in getting an excellent group of speakers to accept our invitation to be in the session:

* [Doug Benn](http://www.unis.no/35_STAFF/staff_webpages/geology/doug_benn/default.htm) (UNIS, Svalbard)
* [Adrian Jenkins](http://www.antarctica.ac.uk/about_bas/contact/staff/profile/29f1793100968103736f21c5745a1b5f/) (British Antarctic Survey)
* [Dave Sutherland](http://pages.uoregon.edu/dsuth/) (University of Oregon)
* [Ross Powell](http://www.niu.edu/geology/people/powell.shtml) (Northern Illinois University)

The session abstract (which you can also find [here](https://fallmeeting.agu.org/2013/scientific-program/session-search/sessions/os010-ice-ocean-seabed-interactions-in-fjords/)) is:

> Ice discharge from marine-ending glaciers is a primary source of present-day sea level rise and a major component of uncertainty in sea level rise predictions. Among these marine-terminating glaciers, the response to external climate forcing is strongly modulated by 1) glacier dynamics, 2) the ocean’s circulation and hydrographic structure near the ice, and 3) the geometry and sedimentary processes at the sea floor and glacier bed. In particular, we suggest that the processes acting within each of these three components must be addressed if we hope to understand ice flux through the entire system. We invite presentations that shed light on these critical processes, especially those that span physical interfaces and bridge disciplinary boundaries.

If this sounds like your cup of tea (and why wouldn’t it?) please join us for this session. Abstracts are due on August 6th 2013, and can be submitted through the [meeting website](http://fallmeeting.agu.org/2013/scientific-program/abstract-submission-policies/). See you in San Francisco!